Current position:Product Center > Cell lines > In vivo imaging
In vivo imaging

In vivo imaging mainly uses two techniques: bioluminescence and fluorescence. Bioluminescence involves tagging cells or DNA with luciferase gene, while fluorescence utilizes fluorescent reporter groups (GFP, RFP, Cyt, dyes, etc.) for labeling. By employing a highly sensitive optical detection instrument, researchers can real-time monitor cellular activities and gene behaviors within live organisms, such as observing tumor growth and metastasis, infectious disease progression, specific gene expression, and other biological processes. With molecular biology and lentiviral platform technologies, Genomeditech integrates luciferase gene stably into the chromosomes of cells intended for observation, and cultivates cell lines capable of stably expressing luciferase protein using monoclonal cell selection techniques.

Current position:Product Center > Cell lines > In vivo imaging
In vivo imaging

In vivo imaging mainly uses two techniques: bioluminescence and fluorescence. Bioluminescence involves tagging cells or DNA with luciferase gene, while fluorescence utilizes fluorescent reporter groups (GFP, RFP, Cyt, dyes, etc.) for labeling. By employing a highly sensitive optical detection instrument, researchers can real-time monitor cellular activities and gene behaviors within live organisms, such as observing tumor growth and metastasis, infectious disease progression, specific gene expression, and other biological processes. With molecular biology and lentiviral platform technologies, Genomeditech integrates luciferase gene stably into the chromosomes of cells intended for observation, and cultivates cell lines capable of stably expressing luciferase protein using monoclonal cell selection techniques.

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Tel: 400-627-9288
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