Current position:Product center > Cell lines > Immune checkpoints > T Cell Activation
T Cell Activation


T Cell Activation, after recognizing the antigen peptide and MHC complex structure, CD3 molecules (antigen-MHC receptor) transmit the information of antigen recognition to the cell, initiating the activation process within the cell.

This process mainly involves early signal transduction, gene activation and transcription, expression of new molecules on the cell surface, secretion of cytokines, and initiation of cell division and proliferation in the cell cycle, among a series of interconnected steps, leading T cells to differentiate into effector cells, hence exerting cellular immune responses.

Initially, the specificity of T cells that can recognize these antigen peptides is very limited when the body receives initial pathogenic microorganisms or other immune stimuli. However, due to the rapid cloning and proliferation of activated T cells, the number of specific cell clones can quickly increase. The expansion of T cell clones is mainly mediated by IL-2 produced by helper T cells. Resting T cells express low levels of IL-2, but after specific T cell recognition of antigens and activation, they express IL-2 abundantly. After T cell activation, various cytokines are produced and secreted, and various membrane surface molecules are expressed, demonstrating diverse biological effects and regulatory functions.

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FOXP3 Repoter Cell Line
Cat. No. Product Stock
H_FOXP3-Promoter Reporter Jurkat Cell Line
Current position:Product Center > Cell lines > Immune checkpoints > T Cell Activation
T Cell Activation

The immune checkpoint is a series of molecules expressed on immune cells that can regulate the degree of immune activation, playing a crucial role in preventing autoimmune reactions. When the body's immune function is stimulated, it is activated but not excessively so, as the "immune checkpoint molecules" act like a braking system in a car, able to timely apply the brakes during immune system activation to maintain it within a normal range, preventing overactivation. Abnormal expression and function of immune checkpoint molecules are significant factors in many diseases. For example, if these molecules are overexpressed or their function is too strong, immune function is suppressed, leading to reduced immune response. Conversely, if the immune inhibitory function of immune checkpoint molecules is poor, immune function becomes abnormal. Tumor cells can express certain substances that activate immune checkpoints, essentially applying the brakes, preventing antigens from being presented to T cells, disrupting the process in the tumor immune environment and inhibiting T cell immune function, allowing the tumor cells to escape surveillance and survive.

Product List
FOXP3 Repoter Cell Line
Cat. No. Product Stock
H_FOXP3-Promoter Reporter Jurkat Cell Line
Tel: 400-627-9288
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