Current position:Product center > Cell lines > Immune checkpoints > ICOS:ICOSLG(CD275)


ICOSLG is a glycosylated transmembrane structure, classified as a member of the B7 family due to significant homology with other B7 family members. The B7/CD28 superfamily provides both positive and negative signals to immune cells in immune responses.

The interaction of ICOSLG with its specific receptor ICOS is closely related to T cell activation, proliferation, differentiation, cytokine production, and antibody secretion by B cells during secondary immune responses.

ICOSLG is widely expressed in non-lymphoid and lymphoid tissues, playing a crucial role in upregulating and promoting T cell immune responses. Its expression is low in naïve B cells and monocytes in PBMCs but can be rapidly upregulated by IFN-γ, TNF-α, or LPS stimulation. Induction of ICOS expression on activated T cells mainly regulates the secretion of Th2 cell cytokines, shifting the immune response towards a Th2 type. The ICOS/ICOSLG pathway has been reported to be involved in immune mechanisms of infection, allergy, autoimmune diseases, transplant immunity, and tumor immunity.

ICOSLG also serves as a major costimulatory molecule for T cell activation mediated by endothelial cells. It plays a crucial physiological role in controlling the entry of immune cells into inflamed tissues and reactivating memory T cells on endothelial surfaces.

ICOSLG Expression Cell Line
Cat. No. Product Stock
H_ICOSLG(CD275;B7-H2) CHO-K1 Cell Line
Current position:Product Center > Cell lines > Immune checkpoints > ICOS:ICOSLG(CD275)

The immune checkpoint is a series of molecules expressed on immune cells that can regulate the degree of immune activation, playing a crucial role in preventing autoimmune reactions. When the body's immune function is stimulated, it is activated but not excessively so, as the "immune checkpoint molecules" act like a braking system in a car, able to timely apply the brakes during immune system activation to maintain it within a normal range, preventing overactivation. Abnormal expression and function of immune checkpoint molecules are significant factors in many diseases. For example, if these molecules are overexpressed or their function is too strong, immune function is suppressed, leading to reduced immune response. Conversely, if the immune inhibitory function of immune checkpoint molecules is poor, immune function becomes abnormal. Tumor cells can express certain substances that activate immune checkpoints, essentially applying the brakes, preventing antigens from being presented to T cells, disrupting the process in the tumor immune environment and inhibiting T cell immune function, allowing the tumor cells to escape surveillance and survive.

Product List
ICOSLG Expression Cell Line
Cat. No. Product Stock
H_ICOSLG(CD275;B7-H2) CHO-K1 Cell Line
Tel: 400-627-9288
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