Current position:Product center > Cell lines > Cytokines > IL-22


IL-22, discovered in 2000, is a member of the IL-10 family. The IL-22 gene encodes 179 amino acids, and after removing a 33-amino acid signal peptide, the secreted form of IL-22 is 146 amino acids long. The IL-22 receptor is a heterodimer composed of IL-22R1 and IL-10R2. IL-22R1 also acts as a receptor subunit for other IL-10 family cytokines (IL-20 and IL-24). Additionally, a single-chain secreted receptor, IL-22BP, binds to IL-22, thereby blocking its signal. Activation of the JAK1-STAT3 pathway downstream of IL-22R generates corresponding functional effects.

Unlike most interleukins, IL-22 does not directly regulate the function of immune cells. Instead, IL-22 targets cells on external barriers, such as the skin and tissues of the digestive and respiratory systems, as well as organs like the pancreas, liver, kidneys, and joints. IL-22 induces these cells to produce antimicrobial proteins and specific chemokines, with amplification of this effect by IL-17, TNF-α, and IL-1β. IL-22 protects its target cells from damage, inhibits their differentiation, and/or increases proliferation, effects unique to this cytokine. Studies using mouse models suggest that enhancing the IL-22-IL22R system (e.g., through IL-22 application) may have beneficial effects on inflammatory bowel disease, alcoholic liver disease, pancreatic damage, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), and organ transplantation.


IL22 Repoter Cell Line
Cat. No. Product Stock
H_IL22 Reporter HEK-293 Cell Line
Current position:Product Center > Cell lines > Cytokines > IL-22

Cytokines are low-molecular-weight soluble proteins induced by various cells in response to immune antigens, mitogens, or other stimulation factors. They regulate innate and adaptive immunity, 

hematopoiesis, cell growth, multipotent adult progenitor cells (MAPCs), tissue repair, and other functions. Cytokines can be classified into interleukins, interferons, tumor necrosis factor superfamily, 

colony-stimulating factors, chemokines, growth factors, among others. These multifunctional molecules act in the body through paracrine, autocrine, or endocrine pathways, exhibiting pleiotropy, 

redundancy, antagonism, synergy, and other physiological properties. They form a complex cytokine regulatory network involved in various essential physiological functions in the human body.

Cytokines play crucial roles in the development, differentiation, immune response, and immune regulation of immune cells; however, they can also act as a "double-edged sword," contributing 

to the onset of various diseases under certain conditions. For instance, during immune responses, immune cells secrete a large amount of cytokines that in turn stimulate immune cells. If this 

positive feedback regulation is disrupted, it can lead to a "cytokine storm," a phenomenon observed in various diseases such as acute respiratory distress syndrome, SARS (severe acute respiratory 

syndrome), and influenza.


Product List
IL22 Repoter Cell Line
Cat. No. Product Stock
H_IL22 Reporter HEK-293 Cell Line
Tel: 400-627-9288
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